Connect, Explore, Discover, Heal
Some people think of the work as counseling while others call it psychotherapy, but the label is not important nor is it adequate in describing the type of work that is done here.
I strive to unlock a change process from deep within and I believe in a holistic and unique approach. How that is done is different for every individual, yet I believe in the healing power of the self, in the dignity of every person, and in the possibility for a better life no matter what the circumstance.
My main goal is to evoke change for the better. It is achieved on the principal that experiencing a process can be just as meaningful as the outcome.
The Inner Journey
In this journey, it is our hope to discover why people sometimes think, feel, and act in unsatisfying ways. Through this journey, we strive to achieve the change required to view things differently and to live a more joyful and peaceful existence with more meaning and more purpose.

For more detailed information about a powerful way to shift energy in your life and to redirect your focus, please consider reading this book I wrote.
Therapy Services
Much of the healing takes place through the relationship that builds between the client and the clinician. The strength of that bond, the trust that forms mutually is the healing agent. When trust is solid and vulnerability can be experienced in a mutual and humble way, then healing and a corrective emotional experience can occur.
The best therapists do not pretend to know what is best for you, but work toward your own self-discovery. The bravest, most stable individuals are those that can go into a therapy room and free their doubts about the process long enough to allow the power of the interaction to work.
At the Inner Journey Counseling Center, I believe in the power of the body and mind to heal, whether it be the physical or the psychological self. We have the resources within to make change and to help us experience our problems as solvable.
Energy here is based in extreme respect, caring, and the generation of a power greater than the self.
Some Areas of Focus
Conflict Resolution
Anger Management
Addiction Counseling/Recovery
Adoption Adjustment
Medical Issues
Healing from Trauma
Career Direction
Meaning/Purpose in Life
Frequently Asked Questions
Please reach me at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
What type of people come in for therapy and what do they talk about?
Clients are everyday people, in fact, many would be surprised to learn how many people they may know in counseling. There is no “typical” clientele or area of concern to focus on. People range from young to older, from rich to poor, from single to families, etc. People discuss many things in their lives such as family dynamics, social relationships, career/work issues, financial plans, life philosophies, religion/spirituality, intimate relationships and sexuality, etc
What makes Inner Journey Counseling Center different from other centers?
The philosophy here is that the client is valued and respected and that he/she is considered to be the “expert”, not the clinician. I have some tools and resources to offer as we join together in your time of need and distress. I am aware of how difficult it is to open up to a stranger, not knowing if you will be judged or criticized. It was not an easy decision to seek help and therefore I am respectful and appreciative of being given the opportunity to walk with you for this brief time on your journey. Many clinicians operate by focusing on diagnosing and symptoms. Here, instead of focusing on what is wrong with a person, I focus on what is right with a person.
What are the fees and does Inner Journey Counseling Center accept insurance?
The fees generally range from $150-160 per session. I participate as an in network provider with CareFirst and I can help in processing claims as an out of network provider with other insurance providers for the client’s reimbursement of fees paid for services (if the client has out of network coverage on their policy).
What are the business hours?
To be determined depending on availabily Monday-Friday.
What can I expect on my first visit?
Some clinicians may have a few initial intake forms for you to fill out on or before your first visit. However, typically in the first visit we discuss a range of topics to get oriented such as insurance/payment details, personal/family history, your hope/goal for our time, experiences in any type of past therapy, and a direction for us to begin to explore. It is important to remember that most of the success generated in this type of working relationship is the connection that is formed between the client and therapist. I recommend that you view the first 1-3 appointments as a trial to see if there is a good match for you. If your experience is not working out in a successful way, then I can be helpful in finding another therapist who would offer what you are looking for. As a side note, if you arrive at your appointment early, I have a waiting room with magazines and music for you to enjoy while you wait.
How long is a typical appointment?
A typical appointment lasts about 50 minutes. There may be times when you and the therapist decide to increase that time or the frequency of visits, it is a decision that does not need to be solidified at the onset of counseling.
How long do people continue their therapeutic relationship for?
Some people come in for a little as a couple of appointments and some people continue their counseling for years. I find that it is important to balance having structured goals/direction with a flexibility of the time that it may take to achieve those goals. My philosophy is that it is very hard to define and quantify how this process works but the most definitive statement that can be made is that it is a “process”. The pace is fluid and ever changing, that will depend on you. Often times people wonder if they will come to depend on their counseling or that something must be wrong with them if they continue for a longer period of time. Yet, some people feel a sense of completeness or wholeness with having access to the success that is generated between them and the therapist. When we focus on what is “right” with a person, there is a sense of how valuable this relationship is and people often look forward to their appointments. Overall, I suggest that we operate on a principal that the goals are more important than the time that it takes to achieve them. We put these decisions in your hands and we work hard to help you find the clarity, confidence, and courage to make the decisions that best fit for you… and then… we support them.
How confidential is my counseling?
The confidentiality of the information that is discussed between you and the therapist is highly valued and seriously protected. In fact, there have been times when a clinician has seen two or more people that know each other yet the clients never figured out the commonality. It is also important to know that you will not be judged or criticized for the things that you say to your counselor. We are trained to be present for you in a way that does not allow for our emotional reactions or opinions to factor into the room.
What if I see my therapist in public?
I honor your confidentiality very highly and will not approach you first if I see you. It would be up to your discretion if you see me and would like to say hello. It is important to have open conversations with me or any therapist about how you both would like to handle that situation. Since this scenario if likely in small towns, it is also important to prepare for the interaction as naturally as possible. What is most often appropriate and simple is with either a subtle glance/nod, or a waive hello, or even a brief verbal greeting.
Can I ask my therapist personal questions about his/her life or family?
There are many different ways that a counselor may handle the situation if asked direct personal questions. In general, this is a relationship unlike any other in that it does not operate under typical normative social rules/considerations. Our training is such that we are taught to explore the importance of that curiosity as to how it relates to you or the content of what we are discussing. There is something called “transference” that can occur in a relationship such as this. Transference can be defined as the specific thoughts and feelings that are experienced from a client about his/her counselor. At Inner Journey Counseling Center, my philosophy is that you can explore or ask anything. If for some reason, certain questions are past my comfort zone, then I may chose not to answer in detail but we will always discuss with you the reason or rationale. I would like your experience here to be very pleasant and that you experience me as a highly trained professional, yet also as a human with character, a life, a family, and with struggles just like anyone else.